I like most Chinese food accept duck. But the best name for a Chinese restaurant I've ever seen is in Lake City, FL. . .
For real!
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
for those of you that like chinese food, what are you favs?.
i like pepper steak, thin slices of beef with onions and green peppers served in a dark beef sauce.
i also like garlic chicken and egg foo young.
I like most Chinese food accept duck. But the best name for a Chinese restaurant I've ever seen is in Lake City, FL. . .
For real!
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
for the most part, we have all come from the same place, a place that we have left.
some have become a member of a mainstream protestant religion.
some have become atheists.
One thing that has kinda bothered me since I've been posting on this board is how many really bright and intelligent people post here. And I think, "how could so many smart people been taken in by the WTS?" And also how much good these folks could have done for themselves, their families and society at large if they hadn't been duped by the society. For that I find the JW organization culpable and deserving of whatever shame they may eventually come to. I can hope anyway.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
get this.. a knock at my door... i answer it, it's a sister who claims to be anointed.
i used to study with her but lost contact for awhile after i moved.
so anyway, she is standing in my doorway making idle conversation and manages to ask her way into my living room.
It would be so cool if all of the sudden 144,000 younger JW's started partaking this year.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i'm just curious what everyone's view of hell is.
i know that most of you were at one time jws and i was wondering if you still held to the no-hell doctrine or if you had found scriptural reasons to believe otherwise.
if the latter applies, would you be so kind as to share the scriptures that have enlightened you?.
HELL would be spending the week buffing floors with Fredhall!
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
I'm happily married so I am not allowed to look for women in any way shape or form, but I have read articles about moderately well off older men in this country going to Eastern Europe to find a bride. Apparently there are plenty of fairly attractive Russian women who are willing to hook up with a dumpy, balding American male with a few bucks. By the way, I certainly don't mean that in the perjorative sense as I have a mirror in my bathroom.
But I read one interesting story about a man who went to some city in Russia with a group of other American men who each paid $3,000 plus travel expenses for a week in order to find Mrs. Right. This one man found a gorgeous Russian woman and brought her back to the states to marry her. A few weeks after the wedding, she sent her old boyfriend in Russia airline fare to come to the U.S. They had arranged to kill the American with the idea of inheriting all of his wealth. They did kill him, but didn't get away with it.
I guess the moral of this story is, do a thorough background check on anyone you want to marry these days.
i find it amusing but disconcerting to see the blinders on people's eyes when it comes to politics.
here we are, most of us having been jws, but now we are fully aware of the corruption of the wts, yet we are blind to the same thing happening in politics.
this is especially true of the more conservative members among us.
Representative Republic
There may be a few that I've left out, but of those forms of government listed above, all involve the potential for political corruption. Even in anarchy, perhaps the biggest, baddest person will try to gain control of the group.
But humans always try to organize themselves into a hierarchial structure and since we're dealing with matters of power, we must deal with the risks of corruption. So what?
I used to be extremely liberal in my point of view when I was young and inexperienced and thought it mattered that life isn't fair. As I've grown older I haven't grown more conservative, simply more pragmatic. You'd actually have a difficult time labelling me as a conservative since I believe in leaving people alone and letting them take full responsibility for their actions and inactions. I've answered questionaires where my responses to questions put me in the libertarian column and not the conservative one. I've found liberals
to be too led by emotions and issues of "fairness".
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
perhaps this is not a widespread phenomenon, but have any of you considered the ramifications in regards to many jw families never saving for retirement or college funds, becues they thought the end was near, or college was a non-issue for so many of us?
just recently my parents never saved any money, becuase the promise of the end coming soon, but as old age creeps closer, i think some of the policy is revealing itself to be really bad advice.
i also wonder how long jws have to keep working after retirement age than the rest of the 'worldlies".
Over the years I have known a number of JW men over the age of 60 who had to continue working at manual labor in order to survive. One man I knew in the Midwest was painting houses well into his 60's. He fell from a ladder one day, broke his hip and died not long afterwards. One of my fathers greatest fears before his death was that he would not leave enough money for my mother to live on. I can remember as if it were yesterday, his admonitions about not worrying about saving money because after 1975 it would be worthless.
Another JW family we knew in Oregon, sold the family business, their home and possesions in the early 1970's and moved to Columbia, S.A. to serve where the need was greater. While there, their daughter contracted polio, they ran out of money and had to move back to the U.S. The daughter remains in a wheelchair to this day and the man has had to build cabinets and do other carpentry work. He is now probably in his late 60's or early 70's. The WTS has left quite alot of human misery in it's wake.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i must say i thoroughly enjoyed doing streetwork for the first time in my life!!.
it was really cold here in chicago yesterday,snow clouds looming in the sky.
about 10 am i decided to run home for my cofee break.. as i rushed down the main street,walking quickly,i saw 2 groups of jw's w/ their mags on the main street near home.. i haven't seen any around my territory since last spring.. humph i thought.. i double-timed it home,bundled up,grabbed my stacks of silentlambs posters and ran back to the main street.. i stood on the corner,several feet ahead of them and started saying hi to passers by.
You probably did MORE good works with the Silent Lambs brochures than you did in all of your years of door to door witncssing. You are to be commended.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i am shocked at the many accusations against jehovah's witnesses in this forum.. i know that i am young, but most of my family are jws and they are good people and i love them.
even my worldly family is very nice and i do not shun them.
the friends in the hall are very nice also.
I guess it depends on your definition of "evil". I view people or groups of people who inflict pain and death on innocent people as evil. Building a doctrinal ban on blood transfusions that results in innocent children dying unnecessarily, is in my mind evil. Putting together doctinal bans on military service which have resulted in imprisonment and in some countries death to innocent young men is in my mind evil. Tearing families apart through disfellowshipping and shunning, in my book is evil. I could go on. So in my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses are evil. The individuals who participate in this evil are misled dupes in most cases, but the Witnesses per se are an evil group.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i was having quite an intense disscussion (ok, argument )with some of my family last weekend.. my brother said in answer to some points that i raised , that the society has scholars who do research and will have the answer to my questions.. i said i know of no sholars in the society, he said thats because the world does not recognise them as such.what i ment (but did not continue saying as the conversation changed direction , again) was that the people who do research and study for the society arent really scholars as they are not free to look for the real truth only to confirm what the society says.their skills are really knowledge of the societies beliefs.. well it is true that a scholar is just someone who has a great knowledge of a particular subject.so you could argue that the society does have scholars as they are people with great knowledge of the organistaions rules .but what must people would mean my scholars are people who put a great deal of time and effort into research and study of an issue as to whether it is true or false, real or make believe.. can the society have scholars in that sense?.
well a recent watchtower article stated that we could not even have private opinions on bibles matters.. in order to research whether a certain witness view point was valid or not you would have to entertain the idea that a certain viewpoint could be wrong.
but this would put you at odds with the society , as you cannot think differently even privately your own opinions on bible matters.
I am asking an honest question here and not being argumentative. Does anyone know of a respected Bible scholar either at WTS HQ or in the JW populace at large. I'm referring to someone with a PhD in the field of "ancient civilizations", "biblical languages", "Jewish history" or any other related endeavor of study? Are there, among JW's any respected writers of published and accepted works on these subjects? If there are, I for one would be interested in knowing who they are.
Students of Comparative Religion in the University of Phoenix online programs don't count. Sorry!
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College